Blog: Automaker Lucid Motors Wants Swift Electrification

Well versed in the new brand of electric auto-making, Head of Lucid Motors wants to introduce affordable electric cars, for future generations.

Photo Credit: TechCrunch


Well versed in electric auto-making, Head of Lucid Motors wants to introduce affordable electric cars, for future generations. He wants to do the work now, pairing efficient technology in the form of batteries in cars that will travel down to affordable prices. He believes this will promote widespread electric adoption quicker.


Lucid Definition

The meaning behind the term is clear. No actually, it means clear.  A concise way of thinking, clear and consistent.


Business Model

Very quickly seen as becoming a player in the rival group to Tesla. In response to the climate crisis, Lucid wants to partner with auto makers like themselves in order to produce their cars, and release them as soon as they can. He wants to use a business model that builds the cars, sells the tech, uses batteries to solve the range shortage, and let the vehicles trickle down into less expensive wide-range lines.

It has not yet become a practical reality, carmakers are in speculation, but Rawlinson thinks there is potential in a mix of lucid motors and the right business partner- it has the potential to make an electric car within the affordability range of wide-spread buyers in the time-span of 4 years- Rawlinson believes.


Lucid Dichotomy

‘The big picture is, I've got this dichotomy. The dichotomy is we need to get millions of £25,000 cars into production fast to save the planet. We've got the right technology but as a company I can't get there for about eight, nine years, and it's too late.' – Rawlinson.

In an ideal proposition, according to Rawlinson; auto makers of the likes of Toyota, Honda and Hyundai would be ideal.


The Deciding Difference

Lucid Motors is arguably, if you weighed up the investors funding, one of the carmakers with the most influence in Britain. Despite it being Californian based.


Peter Rawlinson was Tesla's former chief engineer of the Model S, after working at Tesla, that's the position he ended up in before working at Atieva- who then changed their name to Lucid Motors after Rawlinson persuaded them into a company brand name change.


A Promise or Guarantee?

Of course, this is speculation. It may work, time will tell. These cars haven't been produced yet, and a partnership is yet to be underway. However if it occurs it's possible we see a part of electric transformation in the time span predicted.

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